Monday, 27 February 2012

Heres a link to ponder... Isla the storyteller... click on the orange title

"Peeling An Onion Blog"

Roll over Peter Jackson!

I've been cruising the various blogs I follow.Many of the blogs are from teachers involved in  day to day teaching, and some were involved  in the Ministry Funded ECEICTPl project ( 2006-2009) and are continuing their journey in the area of using ICT to communicate. Above is  a link to a blog from Margaret May who is the Head teacher from Greenhithe Kindergarten in Auckland who shows us in an October 2010 post a very small friend totally in charge of digital storytelling- using stop motion animation. I had a wee journey with a group of children at Pukerua Bay Kindergarten who were using props to make their own movies..... however we were guilty of being 'digital tourists' ( trying something out for novelty value but not embedding it into everyday practice. We never got as independent as Isla did! ka pai to mahi Isla! I must tackle that again one day.....
Meanwhile  Margaret is one of a few ece teachers who have been able to access an ' E- Fellowship' to take this work yet further. Congrats Margaret! Feel free to follow her ICT adventures in later posts on the blog... the archive is on the right of the blog.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Monday, 20 February 2012

New Beginnings...

So where did the idea for this project come from...?  It's based loosely around the framework used in the Ministry Of Education Funded research Project 'ECEICTPL' between 2006 and 2009. This action research project was looking at the delivery of the curriculum document "Foundations for Discovery" ( Ministry of Education 2005). Part of the requirement for teams who were in the project was dissemination of aspects of their findings. This article was one from one of our Kindergartens who were at the time working with children and ICT. Perhaps you can see where the project name sprang from!