Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Developing community through ICT | EDtalks

Developing community through ICT | EDtalks

This is another efellow working in Kindergartens. The team from Botany Downs Kg were Centre of Innovation some time back and here one of their number talks about recent ICT work. Their focus is using ICT to build community. An interesting point she makes that some of us will resonate with is approacing the ICT community as an older person ..... but is confident that we are all learners here!
click on the link above for this clip.

Authentic apps in the early years | EDtalks

Authentic apps in the early years | EDtalks

I've Chatted with this teacher off and on over the years since my days in the ECEICTPL - probaby best known in ece circles as one of the Manaia Kindergarten team who brought kindergarten blogging to many people's attention. Here she talks about ipads and apps that are useful in the programme to promote learning. ( click on the link above). I'm convinced...... let me at them!

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Photography in early childhood education | EDtalks

Photography in early childhood education | EDtalks

here's a perspective of an efellow working with infants and toddlers and keen to use ICT to share learning journeys.

blogging or skype connections

There's a bit of a buzz after our project hui about skyping and why you might do it.  Teams have talked about skyping each other, skyping Senior Teachers, skyping the new entrants class of a school they feed to, skyping experts in an area of interest with child oriented questions, skyping families who are overseas to keep them connected, or skyping those who go overseas or out of the area in 'off seasons'. The same functions can be done with blogs.  here's a link to an article about a blog in the states who developed a relationship with a NZ kindergarten and spent lots of time a few years ago comparing climates and wildlife...

Check it out here....

we had a post earlier in the year  ( check it out by clicking on the archive tab for August) about two NewZealand Kindergartens at opposite ends of the country who developed the same sort of relationship with skype.... and a clip about schools using skype to connect with an expert.

Sunday, 25 November 2012

The reindeer orchestra.

Here's something that is seasonably supportive. Great on a big board-  but ok on a smaller one with good mouse control....  here's a screen shot below and a link above.
 It's on line so choose your moments. The idea is to click the reindeer nose of the reindeer that the number above the reindeer says.  A nice introduction to the notion of  written musical notes that we follow to make a tune.... 

Lessons we learn

I was reading a blog from "EduTech' which has a post telling about Worst Practice in ICT use in education. It holds warnings for us in Education- those we can all use whether we have started our ICT journey in any meaningful way or if we are only considering it.

 Here's the highlights for me - somewhat paraphrased with my own thoughts:

  •  DO NOT- Dump hardware in schools or ece and expect instant miracles. The responsive teacher and a decent planned ece/primary programme surrounding the hardware is vital. so teachers- step up and become familiar so you are knowledgeably part of the planning about how ICT should support the existing curriculum - and be technically able to be a learning partner with children.
  •  DO NOT - take a model of operation from an entirely different culture and transplant it lock stock and barrel. This never works even if we aren't talking about ICT. Take aspects that fit with your centre and develop your own processes. 
  • Do NOT - only think about what you are trying to achieve until after you have rolled out the hardware. This doesn't mean you should not rethink this philosophy later on.

The gaming 'Devils advocate' rides again...

Here's an interesting clip looking at engaging boys in learning and the role gaming might have in the social or cultural context of school as a learning place. I still have conversations with myself on this topic. I am particularly interested in the notion of the gamer culture and the way negative teacher attitudes affects your sense of self and your ideas about the relevance of school to you. I'm still coming down on the side of using their 'culture' and skills as a power for the moment!

Saturday, 17 November 2012

looking at current work on ipads in ECE...

Here's some ideas from the wider 'powers that be' about using ICT in our programmes... I was particularly interested in the ipad angle after helping Maraeroa Kinderagrten get their ipad out into everyday kindergarten life recently.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Petone Kindergarten is live and on line.... !

Greetings teams... It was great to hear your perspectives on our hui where lots of teams shared their thoughts, anecdotes or journeys.  Here's a link to a Kindergarten blog in our association where the team are exploring the use of a blog to communicate learning programmes and to engage the participants.  It's all new and support would be appreciated.....

Monday, 12 November 2012

heading towards christmas....

sometimes we communicate things we really didn't intend to our tamariki!hey ho it's the silly season!